the voice of experience, she said.

06.28.04back& forth

i think the fact that i never wrote about him here meant something. or, as much as i did about the first. because that's the way things work sometimes. the first one hits hardest. he makes me feel small again, makes me feel like that same little girl who fell in love with him.

and it's scary. it's scary how in a matter of days a whole part of my life can be cut off, shut off. as if it never happened. as if i never grew up, and into him, and up some more.

and then we're back staring each other in the face and i don't know what will happen, but as i think about it i feel reduced to old words as i backtrace these entries. it was him. and as we lay in the ocean she laughs knowingly and says that's the one that you want. this was just a distraction.

archive. profile. notes. random.