february is for lovers

02.19.05back& forth

life's beautiful and there are boys that meet my mouth and contact to contact to contact.

loving everything.

these loves of my life. plane trips around the world. the spectre of this tiny life that's making sense, making sense, making sense. alcohol and music and movement and hands moving everywhere, everywhere.

the weather is getting warmer, feeling connected again, just a beautiful messy blur. stopping to say, this is wonderful, this is beautiful, this is us at three in the morning loving everything, this is us sitting in the sunshine and this is us moving to the music and sometimes everything is wonderful when your friends hold you in their arms. just because.

spending days in bed and out of bed and in the darkroom and out taking photos and living just looking out from your eyes lenses and running and dancing in your life.

making brownies and drizzling rasperries over them, happy birthday darling and i'm glad you exist. my birthday is in less than a month, as everyone else turns the clock on their ages, i am happy to be young and small still, a child. people are getting married and i am dancing, dancing. so many presents at my door. waking up to the sunshine, good morning my darling sunshine, falling asleep at night warm and happy.

this is my life. and life's good.

archive. profile. notes. random.