how do you quantify elation

07.20.06back& forth

mmmmmmm two thousand and six.
what a beautiful year.

let's recap a little.

january - first day of the year, a boy at my door, talking about life on white couches next to a lake, stars & drunk & dancing, orange bowl festivities. four crazy days in new york with my favorite girl in the world, hookah, mango & strawberry blunts in a park at night, driving through time square, watching the sun set over the the hudson, ange & i exploring the city, sahara east, seeing all the huns, NEW YORK NEW YORK. flying to duke, packing up my room, seeing the LOVES OF MY LIFE, driving to miami. starting, starting. jacuzzi at night, returning to my city, big changes. smoking blunts latenight. black out month.

february - a long month. a long, long month. rethinking everything. making plans. applying for jobs. figuring out what i want to do, in many areas of my life. getting strong. dealing with everything. a weekend in georgia, adventuring with my dad, snow, waterfalls, hiking, and taking a break from miami to go somewhere, to get out of old habits & old schedules. a new beginning. and at the end of this month: deciding to make some big changes. doing it. doing everything. and starting to feel it. building.

march - my new beginning. applying to UM. turning twenty & getting hired to work at a bigtime prestigious law firm. working 9-5. learning, learning. craziness! getting to know eileen, luly, john, ryan, fulvia - all the attorneys at my office. amazing. loving my job.

april - crazy month at work. getting more & more responsibility every day. getting everything ready for the merger. got into UM. wow- just thinking about this time. it was a lot. the beginning of a long decision process of what i want to do with the semester coming up. four days at duke, a week in georgia. THE BEST WEEKEND EVER. durham, northcarolina - seeing you with new eyes. and death cab, smoking & drinking, angela, carolyn, adam, lizzle, being at many memories. WORK OWNED MY LIFE AFTER I GOT BACK FROM MY TRIP. i would be there until 6, 7, 8, 9 at night. pr, design, organizing, new files, old files, everything. my boss literally said, katie, we're moving. handle everything, and ask me if you have any questions. so. much. trust! loved it. moving on the 29th from 7am-5pm. all day. crazy. crazy. sold all of the office furniture, packed an entire office basically by myself. drinking a wine cooler at work with eileen, that sweet relief, everything packed-so much work. having someone to talk to that reminded me so much of my friends. honest. hilarious. ahh man. that was so good for me. out of 12 people in the office, having my bosses secretary of 18 years & ME being the only people he took with him to the new firm. nothing like financial and career success to boost up the confidence.

may - moved into the new office, getting to meet sixteen more attorneys & their staff. getting settled in, with even more work coming my way-and loving it. loving it! marcy and i becoming friends, going to the gym together after work, baby stories. finally - really happy. amazing sleep schedule. finding my confidence in myself again. christine coming home. my brain never stopping thinking about duke/miami, duke/miami, duke/miami.....what to do what to do. finally, i think it was at the end of this month, deciding on miami for fall 06.

june - working like crazyy. carla and i becoming really good friends. caro here!! it was so. good. to see her. the beach, our night out on the town. claywell here. aww. us hanging out, movies, dinner, me getting him highhhhh, swimming, chilling, drinking, hanging out, talking. getting new big projects to work on at work - my own cases! doing the entire initial conference with a client in spanish, translating for john. crazyyyyyy. starting house sitting - succch a sweet job! getting paid to watch tivo. my beautiful new laptop arriving. my mom leaving midmonth for a cruise to europe. my entire fam leaving on the 30th for georgia. loving my job, loving my job. a lot of work, but its been good.

july - two glorious weeks of being in my house alone. so wonderful. house sitting all month! love it, getting paid to feed madison (the cutest cat, who i unfortunately think im allergic to), tanning on the weekends. tivo to my face. working out with rick twice a week, feeling better, stronger. fourth of july, fireworks on the beach, seriously tipsy for the first time in a long time, with old friends. sleepovers at my house, not being able to get that out of my head for like a week. taking the weekend and going to georgia. seeing my uncle who i havent seen for yeeeeeears. talking to him all night. seeing my grandma. who knows everything about me. there is something so beautiful in having someone just -know- me. having known me since i was little. knowing every country ive been to, whats important to me, what my life experiences have been, seeing me grow up. someone who loves me ridiculously. and not having to explain a thing. aah. staying up one night talking to her & crying with happiness. adventuring with my dad & brother & uncle, kayaking in the river, shopping in blue ridge, hanging out, THEN white water rafting the olympic whitewater course in tennessee.

an old song came back to me:
every moment's an adventure, and that's the way i get by

archive. profile. notes. random.