
07.20.06back& forth

just because you feel it/ doesn't mean it's there

sun is shining. bob marley. youuuuu.

and it's you in my bed, you in my hair. gravity & the stars & your weight, on me, this night, right now.

a week later, standing in my room, thinking about lines. about candy apple & fruitpunch red, a color by numbers of a sunny day on someone's backporch. and then the nightlife- both of us in timestill, blurred flourescent, how can i even explain what i mean. some people you just never get over, she said.

but i did, and i am, and this has nothing to do with the past . (except everything+.

ionizing and atomizing- and a first dream called ocean. a song so sweet, taking you back three years in an instant.

this isn't about anyone else. a looking glass, everything happening in a mirror, somewhere . . .

you'd think it'd be easier this time around. and in a way, it is. i'm not a lovesick puppy, i know what i'm doing.

the past has passed & something's might be found to take it's place..... hey jealousy. hey jealousy.

and right now, all i can think is song lyrics & driving in the car & laughing, laughing so much because everything is crazybeautiful. some times it is, some times it's not-

and then i'm sitting on the kitchen counter, you there, you.

never regret what once made you smile. and who would? who could?

sun is shining. guilty my friends.

archive. profile. notes. random.