
11.26.07back& forth

life is crazy beautiful wonderful insane sometimes peaceful and relaxing never a dull moment

relaxing in the keys looking at the water and the dock and diving into to the cool water

crazy in the library laughing and taking pictures and researching things that are important to me, business law and abnormal child psychology, busy work for statistics and accounting

talking to my boss and reading his letter of recommendation to law school for me. if i ever feel, just for one second, not good enough, i am going to read it over and over and him telling me he meant every single word


not having a single moment, yet sparing five minutes to update here, here in this old old place of old old memories, but time and space collide and we are always waving hello and goodbye, i'll see you again, i'll see you soon

and life's like that -- seeing people and reconnecting, this weekend thirty people in the apartment, my highschool friends, my roommates, my college friends, everyone dancing and talking and eating chips and dip

physical therapy for my back, getting stronger, taking care of myself in every way, spooning my best friends to sleep, letting other people love and care about me, knowing when to say no, knowing when to say hell yes!, and dancing and dancing and sleeping deep, a peaceful end

now i'm going to eat tomato zucchini soup and fruit and do a billion other things

and panama in two days. no big. only my favorite place in the world. to be in my best friend and my very closest cousin's wedding. bridesmaid and all. never a dull moment, that's for sure.

archive. profile. notes. random.