
03.06.08back& forth

holy fuck, so i just logged in and everything is completely different. where are those cream and violets? light laquered shades of light blue? all gone, and in their place, black-white-and-ORANGE? forgive me for my confusion, i'm pretty sure this isn't deadjournal.

oh changes, changes. i want to tell you tiny moments. i've been reading a lot. i have changes i want to make. i want to treat my body better. i definitely want to lose ten percent of my body - faster better stronger. so i can run up stairs and not be out of breath. and keep doing all the things i love, like dancing for hours and hours. i've come to realizations, over time. our bodies our vessels, and i want mine to be healthy and strong. so there's that.

then on a mindful issue, i want to expand. i want to have days where i don't go on the internet, watch tv, use my phone, text on my blackberry. live free of technology. go to the beach with a book and a friend and just hang out. not answer any calls. the world can wait.

travel. i am possibly going to EGYPT in july with my cousin. i am so excited. before law school all i want to do is travel and expand my mind and do cool things like skydiving and walking cities and seeing mindbending art and swimming in distant oceans. i want and want and want this so badly.

law school. it's amazing, i'm so excited. wherever i go, i will make it work. i will learn and i will work hard and i will get great internships and job. i will invest in myself, the best investment one can make - ultimately. i've been reading up & it's such a nerdy feeling, but i've been a 0L for so long, now i am so close to 1L. maybe a .5L? haha. either way, i want to have fun for the rest of senior year.

birthday! i am going to be twenty two on march ninth. exactly one month before i received my first law school acceptance. exactly two months later, i will walk down the aisle, walk across a stage and receive my bachelor of arts in psychology, minors in business law and business administration. for my birthday i'm having lunch out with my parents, dinner with my friends and then out for a night of dancing. all in all, feeling excited and well.

i like to use birthdays as turning points. well, here we are. in 2006 i got my job two days before my birthday, and it was right around that time i truly decided to kickstart out of everything - as much as those things can be decided. i committed to myself and i did not fail. for the next eight months, i worked at least nine to five, if not later. waking up at eight, at least, everyday, for months on end. i have power in myself, and sometimes the little things get in the way of those memories.

photography, art, writing, literature. i need you more in my life. i want to explore the culture of this city. who knows where i will be come september. let's live it up.

i've been having some down days recently, i guess. as much as i could write about the long lunches with scott and dave, laughing so hard my stomach hurts with meghan and pam, talking about everything with elena, how much i love my classes, our insane 90s party, boys who kiss me, et cetera, i want to focus on change. i'm not a static person, this much i know, and i am ready. ready to be a different vessel, voyaging through different parts of this city and the world, accepting and opening up to sunlight and celebrations. and it will come, fast as lightning, fast as i can type.

i want resolution, i'm ready, i'm ready.

archive. profile. notes. random.