what helps and propels me; this is growth

07.26.08back& forth

i wrote this in a note one minute ago, thinking of all the ways or thoughts that would propel me to open this box and type;

listen to old music; the feeling of first love in your chest; how good or bad your first kiss was; the last thing that made you cry; what, you haven't cried? why am i crying? does the state of how much i cry have to do with my life happiness? if so, tears, keep on coming; the last thing that made you angry; that lady holding onto the armrest with a death grip for ten hours, she must have had a family, maybe she was going to a funeral, someone must love her, and try to come down from whatever intense burst of feeling; write about solutions, about problems, about to many to do lists; learning to laugh; how travel changes your soul; where souls come from; where babies come from; babies are adorable; anything latenight is golden; tonight is golden; i am golden; you are golden; everything will work out, golden lights above, dancing by the ocean, arms outstretched & we;re spinning.

archive. profile. notes. random.