mixed feelings

07.31.08back& forth

this is my last night, my last sleep before i move to DC. i just went out with my best friend-- sangria and cheesecake and the grove, all my old haunting places, 90s music and the memories of growing up, driving by my highschool, talking about our friends and how much fun we have had and our craziness and ridiculousness and everything.

as she takes me home, we're going to my house, lins says, "the house you don't live in anymore!"

and it's true. i will miss my friends, the comfort of knowing this city. i met some really cool people tonight, and that just opens my eyes. it is so nice to have people that have completely different interests than i do-- and i hope i can find some outside sources outside my law school life.

"oh," she says, "but you're going to love it so much there."

"keep telling me that, because right now, i'm nervous as hell."

but as we're driving along, i feel a relief wash over me. someone who knows me so well feels so strongly that this will be so great and that i will love it so much. "you'll be a little nervous at first, but i know you, you'll make friends and you'll love it."

right now, i feel really warm and just comforted -- this house has been my home for so much. the times i have left have been so poignant.

anyways. good friends are hard to come by, and .... i'm soooo sleepy i can't type anymore. goodnight miami moon. it seems like too long til i'll see you next..

whatever. i'm so excited for my apartment! weeeeeee ♥

archive. profile. notes. random.