i fell in love without you

09.01.08back& forth

this weekend has been pretty much... delicious. friday i came back from torts and promptly took a seven hour nap until around five pm. with a whole weekend ahead, i knew i could stay up til 3am dancing around and watching tv and just playing in my apartment. something i have learned about myself, ever increasingly: i really truly enjoy being alone. i need that time after school or work to just be by myself to do whatever i want and just decompress.

saturday seems like years ago, swimming and reading by the pool, sunday more swimming and basking in the sun, a friend came over and we each did our caselaw readings (hi, nerds) and watched CSI and i had an hour long dance party to 90s jams. hi, i'm awesome. today waking up before noon (i have goals!), brunching and getting my nails done. skyping with miami and panama, watching j&k+8, talking to e, tumblr-ing.

last three day weekend forever.

archive. profile. notes. random.