on being young & in love with possibility

10.19.09back& forth

i once wrote an imagined conversation between you and i.

when i was young and in love with possibility

i asked questions and you answered. this was characteristic of the extent of our entanglement - we had every conversation, hours upon hours, years upon years, and i could hear you speaking to me even when you were many miles away.

we married briefly, you were already across the country, hoping to tie me down electronically, but 24 hours later i was ill, sick of you, sick of all of it, divorced you without a word, we didn't speak for weeks, or maybe we did, i was so busy back then i could have left you in the dust easily. you crawled back in my life and then you just stuck. a year later we were speaking of marrying again, how we would build a home for us, cats for you, dogs for both of us but mainly me. i could see it then, too, in twenty years we'd be magically living in the same city and we would build this life we used to talk about.

i once wrote an imagined conversation between you and i.

i have it dog eared in my journal, and i flip to it and remember the sound of your voice.

archive. profile. notes. random.