on numbers and late nights

09.18.11back& forth

making out in kitchens. cheersing. hearing my name through corridors. making out in hallways. upping the ante. your sharp suit, jacket over my shoulders sitting on the front porch letting the cold creep in. my name in your mouth, over and over like a prayer. not taking you home. a strange restraint. for what. "just because i can doesn't mean i have to." more friends like annie, who would say hell yeah, take him home. use protection. get wild. mmmmmaking out is fun, in kitchens and hallways and always. fall is good. this is my favorite season for a reason. warmth and bodies and long walks and laughing, dancing, singing, dancing more through kitchens and hallways and porches and couches. we should go to the same place at the same time. we were meant to, he says. arms crossed but leaning into him. back up question - can i get your number? and we can hang out again. making out with someone else in the hallway, friends whooping as they passed by us.

tonight was fun.

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