the moon is bright tonight

02.08.12back& forth

what happened to all of, oh, my, your letters?
the mild dramas and dramatics, poetry and persuasion
things we can laugh about
and seeing things i wrote to you and you and you
another time and place - universes, lightyears, galaxies. we were space explorers, like baby lambs
finding their legs, babies babbling first words

lightyears since i heard your name
and i'm sending you such good things, all the good things
like clementines and your favorite song and that night on the beach and the day you decided to make a change
"nothing here to fear, i'm just sitting around being foolish when there is work to be done" -
it's wednesday after all and tori agrees
but somewhere it is summer and spring and
i can still see the light in your window
and won't you please come over and say good night?

i will make you a drink and you
want to tell me all your stories because
you know they are my favorite.

archive. profile. notes. random.