on alarm clocks and panic and time

02.22.12back& forth

in case there are any questions about what happened here: here is some truth. care more. give a shit more. because if you haven't, it's on you. it's on me.

sitting down at the desk of life and doing the damn work. waking up at the same time every day. early, even. cup of tea. forcing your eyes over the pages. just let your eyes see it. dig in, read it, take some of it in. you will have time for everything. start doing questions. start writing answers. make something, create something, care enough to sit down and hear the clock ticking and sit there, even if you're squirming in your chair. because it's always the hardest to start. it's going to be uncomfortable, so get it over with. because soon you'll be typing and coasting and working away, like that poem about the locomotive. because it's what you said you wanted. because it's what you've worked for. because just do the damn thing.

so you don't have to sit wondering why or how come or whatever. because it's easy to give up. because it's less taxing not to try. because all the stupid things that keep me up at night, let this not be one of them anymore. now, or next time, or with respect to everything.

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