on may flowers & fire

05.15.14back& forth

moved into the new place, oh cohabitation. listening to death cab in a skyrise working in the war room, 'someday you will be loved' comes on shuffle. and i am.

shaking my hair out in the sun, wet from the shower. a commercial. driving home, that brief moment of sailing down the city streets.

but my god, the gridlock, gritted teeth. road rage. cursing when i'm barely awake. the underbelly of love. when you're used to being alone.

if you can't find the person you want, become them. be better. challenging myself to work harder to be kinder, more patient. i've got a leaden foot; but leaping lightly among the spring flowers -- only forward. a week of migraines and allergies, from polar vortex to pollen vortex. i am ready for a summer adventure. for rooftops in the sun, skin dewy with sweat, for appreciating the cool breeze and the hot hot heat. back porches.

coastal maine. eastern shores. the sounds of the ocean. god, i can't fucking wait. i spent five months working and in a blink they're over. nats game, plays, thursdays with my snowflake. snapchatting like a milennial. working out with my viv. taking a long lunch to see the cherry blossoms. trying new restaurants. sofie's, carvy's, boloco, greek deli, running into old associates on the way to lunch. returning to old faves. kissing goodbye on the cheek. k streeting. reading tom sietsema, popville, caphillstyle, corporette. listening to old songs from the ipod touch in the morning. walking after dinner. no more gluten, it's been 4 months or so? ginger ale. mainlining orphan black after hearing about it on pop culture happy hour. all these little cultural touchstones, from one onto the next.

i learned portuguese, two new work platforms, made some new friends, made plans, and suddenly i've been living with someone for half a year, officially moved out of my place this weekend. we have so many boxes. time to be buddhist. i don't need anything. all those law school notes really need to burn.

in the spirit of renewal, spring cleaning -- here's to fireworks -- sparks, igniting hearts, and, my god, those glorious slow burning flames.

(hi, 2am. tomorrow i'm sleeping in forever.)

archive. profile. notes. random.