on summer sisters

08.25.14back& forth

it's been so long, so many summer moments.

maine. acadia and eating lobster and caprese, long dinners and wine and watching all of those stars, that glorious milky way. walking in the dark, running with whiskey and e - that sparkle pixie fairy who i love so much. best friends are the best.

denver. going to the gym every day, cooking for everyone, watching the wire, staying up til 2am with my mom talking about Life and Growing Up and Everything. love that woman so much.

back in the city, getting things ready to move. accepting cucumbers into my heart & salad rotation - cucumber and red onion thai salads, tomato and cucumber with basalmic and olive oil, fresh strawberries and pecans. really happy with my post denver body pump results, all those hills, morning swims.

ah. fall will be here soon - j crew puffer vest and skinny pants, all black everything, new tory heels for click clacking on marble entryways.

archive. profile. notes. random.