on advice and vices

06.25.23back& forth

i am writing my husband's cousin a graduation letter.
things i wish i knew then, or i am glad people told me:

x. wear sunscreen. everyone says it but it's really true.

x. open a roth IRA and put a little from each paycheck. pay yourself first, put your future self first. if i could go back in time, i would open it at 18 and put in $20 a paycheck, or whatever. i don't even remember how much i made lifeguarding and teaching swim lessons back in the day, but it was w-2, and if i had put even a little then it would be compounding for SO long. i definitely saved, but in a bank account, not in a roth. every once in a while i am furious no one told me to do this considering i come from an educated and financially savvy family. we 'didn't talk about money.' it serves no one.

x. my other points are more nuanced that i'm not comfortable recommending to everyone. study abroad.

life lately:

music - adding more and more to 'my old jams' playlist. sometimes it is a knife to a throat, but mostly it is great. noah kahan on hard repeat after seeing him in concert. he was great.

plans - year of live music continues. after checking on it over and over and over, i finally caved and got tickets to see counting crows with dashboard confessional. it feels so hard to spend money these days, but i know it will bring joy and be worth it. mu husband has been telling me to get them for a while so i finally did. as i am fond of saying, 'i just do what my husband tells me' -- and everyone laughs. as i am fond of singing to him, 'i need someone older and wiser telling me what to do' (i of course do not). i have never seen counting crows despite having loved them since the 90s and probaby quoted them on this very page since at least the early aughts. back then it was just present day. that makes me feel old-- and i am also SO excited to see them and sing every song.

drinks - our drinking water has been contaminated due to drought and to me it is completely undrinkable. so now i also get to spend money on buying water. we already have double filtration and it is still gross. my husband notices but it doesn't bother him. i think he is one of those people who can drink any water and not really notice anything significant. logically i do understand, but also, no, i just don't understand how some people don't taste a difference. i don't really care about wine but my water palette is extremely sophisticated.

games et al - we played bingo while watching the xbox direct. the most interest i have in anything is a flight simulator which makes me feel like i should just go outside. starfield looks great if i could just chill in my spaceship and fly around. so, if it was a flight simulator in space. i don't want to fight anything. but it looks beautiful. i was punching the air watching the nintendo direct because almost everything i am interested in is still in development (see you in 2025-6) or slated for what feels like forever from now. i am excited about: dlc for pokemon s/v (part 1-'fall 2023'; part 2-'winter 2023'), super mario wonder (october 20, 2023), princess peach game in development ('in 2024'), remaster of luigi's mansion: dark moon (for switch 'in 2024'). i still want super mario odyssey dlc and pokemon arceaus dlc injected into my veins but i don't think there are even talks about it. this is what happens when a bunch of your friends work in gaming and over the years you accept their influence.

cooking/eating - all the things. kale salad. fancy quesadillas. s'more by the fire. a day at the korean spa.

life could certainly be worse. life is good. june hymns.
and soon - july, july.

archive. profile. notes. random.