on this is the new year

01.11.24back& forth

The Chop (TM)
oso the golden retriever
meeting my brother's fiancee
my brother getting married this year
drag race being back on TV on fridays
jensen mccrae being my new hyperfixation artist (video games)
'we can leave the christmas lights up til january; this is our place, we make the rules'

& other notions, et cetera:

chef dan
winter weather
poetry in motion
buying new shoes
playing pokemon scarlet dlc
being farmer's market people
eating delicious fruits and veggies
pomegranate, grapes, raspberries
a blank new journal to fill out
feeling uncomfortably full
being overwhelmed
meal planning
old friends
le pens

writing in a journal, ta-da lists, what songs i'm listening to, fruit & veg of the day, striped shirts, lululemon leggings, lake pajamas, cableknit cashmere, dark florals, a beautiful drink at the bar, sitting in a hot tub while it's snowing, dried lemon and grapefruit slices, adventuring, catching up with people i haven't seen in twenty years (!!), fireplaces, weekly dinners talking shit about a pretty sunset, considering, taking photos of the weather, the sky, 'immune' & 'dead girl walking,' and a hundred other things. life is so good.

archive. profile. notes. random.