
12.14.01back& forth

i have been discovering quite a bit of fucking fucking brilliant writings. if you've ever wondered who i am.... i am this: (she says it all) ...

sometimes there arent enough words to express the things you feel. sometimes there are too many. i find it very hard to trust people's words sometimes. most of the time, in fact. i also have this problem where i invent WORST CASE SCENERIOS in my head and then proceed to convince myself that they are true. another thing i do is subject myself to unnecessary pain, like asking questions to which i absolutely do NOT want to know the answers, or reading things people have written even though i KNOW it's going to make my stomach turn....

sometimes it's 308 in the morning and youve just had a crazy weekend and you shouldnt still be up but you feel sort of surreal...and you dont want to sleep, and you really dont want to continue eating all those fucking chocolate chip cookies--but you cant stop, because there are a million other places you would rather be than where you are and there isnt anything you can do about it so you torture yourself some more and wash down the cookies with some ice cold milk.

(except i hate milk). it really bothers me; arent the periods supposed to go outside the parenthesis... any english majors reading to answer my burning questions minutes from midnight (hi stacy) ...actually after midnight.

this is what ive written and its midnight and i need five thousand times it:

The period from 1875 to 1900 was a time of trials and turmoil..... and blah it goes on forever.

archive. profile. notes. random.