
12.14.01back& forth

"Every new beginning comes from some others beginnings end"

i remember listening to this song on my old old school boombox and walking around my circle when it was cold outside, passing by the mervis' house, looking at the short wall with limestone rocks embedded into it, remembering what a climb it was to pull up and over it, playing next door with katey and climbing over that fence too.... looking at it feeling very sentimental and very grown up.... seeing the wall that reached to about my waist. and it all seemed so far away, in the outer reaches of my mind with archived memories of old houses and places. and i remember shedding a few tears, getting the same lump in my throat i feel forming now.... growing up.

today i talked to andrew & amberlee & reminsced with him about our 7th grade social studies class. another memory, this year, looking in my file cabinets and finding papers from seventh grade labeled "save for 10th grade!" ....and that's where i am now. three years ago - the time seems so miniscule... i have changed so much in the past year, let alone the past three. it is ... sadly beautiful.

archive. profile. notes. random.