
12.01.01back& forth

"here i am, every year....every christmas."

i have entries from last year at christmastime. makes me sick. & my computer is e-vil ... enough said. we're decorating the tree! (that translates to: my mom is putting on the lights) ... yeah we're playing christmas music & my brother and i have been dancing around the house like the crazy kids we are. (santas dance of the elves). i think i did something like that once.....all i remember is getting out of the car dressed up like an elf and going past the public library. i am elf for our thing. descriptive, descriptive i know.


you are a party and i am a school night
you are in the spotlight and i am the stage crew
(the one holding the light...)
you are the bomb and i am the aftermath
you are burnt and i am burning
you are dead and i am not
(a subtle manipulation)
yet we are equal
(check the constitution)

archive. profile. notes. random.