
11.08.01back& forth

allicansayisthatmylifeisprettyplain. ilikewatchingthepuddlesgatherrain

yes. i had a whole huge long entry about bestfriends, learning, districts, dan, writing, shoshi, rain, college, the word fuck, thinking, everything typed up and i wanted to throw a brick at my computer when i got a WAOL. what the hell are those for anyways? someone please leave me a note with a theory to this burning question. hrm. but i dont get notes....ohyeah haha. no pity, please. this poem is wonderful:

growing up
by Marchette Chute

when I grow up i'll carry a stick
and be very dignified
i'll have a watch that will really tick,
my house will be tall and built of brick,
and no one will guess that it's just a trick,
and i'm really myself inside.

ps- today was sooooo beautiful. i had the fucking best talk with clay afterschool today. i did the waterpolo workout and then went in the library to wait to get picked up and he was there (!). iloveboys. girls are such fuckers (myself included). how damn complicated are we? "people don't change, we change" this quote has been making a lot of sense in my life these past weeks. i feel like ive already written about this whole thing cause i did [waol killed it]..... im talking to laura rightnow about it, she is such a good listener (!). its just my friend situation is doing a few 180 kickflips on me...but the more i think about it the more i am the boarder. this is making my head swim because i keep lounging in this aura..... get me on a train out of these feelings (but don't tell them what train i'm on; because then they'll know which way i'm going...and i don't even know that)

archive. profile. notes. random.