long sighs tired eyes. let's write our deaths away.

03.27.03back& forth

everyone is an asshole and i/m pretty fucking tired of it.

the days are overcast and i/m finding it hard to have any sanity whatsoever, with sicknesses and homework keeping me inside and on edge.

so! good things:

+el boy. who gave me his old school nintendo to play between classes. asking me who was being an asshole and who the fuck bumped into me [which caused me to spill the acids i was holding (yeah ap chem labs.... die.) all over my hands, which then literally bubbled and my chem teacher was like.. uhhh, just rinse it off.] because he'd hate them. for wanting to know what was going on when i couldn't express thisfeeling in words. besides worst day. just him.. caring.

+ani concert on SUNDAY.

+spring break in two days and the prospect of the keys & <3. i can't wait to get out of this.


so yeah, this week sucks. one more day of school, just one more. and then a funfilled spring break filled with writing papers, doing take home tests and quizzes, and reading three novels. awesome!

i just want a .break. to breathe and sleep and breathe again. summertime<3.

archive. profile. notes. random.