here comes the story of the hurricane

08.30.03back& forth

turn our music down and whisper

"say what you're thinking right now"

i'm a mess of tulle and short skirts and high heels.

of a freckle right under the hemline, of glasses that

fall to my nose and longnight latenight smiles,

dancing barefoot over cold tiles in your house.

of falling asleep with a phone thrown across the room

chandlier earrings and pinstripes, turning heads.

of making you presents covered in ee cummings lyrics

and confucius quotes because i care and disk one and

disk two and disk you're not leaving for quite a while

and being done defining myself by your heartbeats,

absolutely finished with that mess. instead a mess of this

laughter and elegance and just dancing around at 4am

like it's always been. of waking up at 3 cause i can't sleep

without words on a page.

a mess of it all


you're a mess of missing him and miskept priorities.

a mess of letting people walk all over you, of unhealthy

emotional attachments to people who don't give a fuck

about you, of not being able to hold off and give someone

any space, you keep asking "for how long? until when?"

of calling me crying of asking me please of

i don't think i'm better than you,

but i don't think i'm worse.

it's about a final year at a place

why do you ask about my day?

because i love you.

well, i love you too.

haha, that's a different kind of love

well, it's the same feeling, just expressed differently

remember me two years ago? remember you two years ago?

the paths we have taken...

and it just gets me, everytime. e.v.e.r.ysingletime.

archive. profile. notes. random.