guster - backyard

08.30.03back& forth

when it's winter
and choking on chlorine
then running into parka's
is the thing to do

i will drive and drive.

this song will play, at five am when
all the street signs are golden
sleepy eyes blinking yellow, yellow, yellow
it will be cold and i will be alone

and i'll think of days like today
morning/afternoon and conversations in coffeeshops
"it was so good to see you"
and you'll be doing the same thing soon
splitting and hiding out

i'll remember the day we
went swimming
and no one else was home
iced tea fights on a hot trampoline
the pavement was hot
our backs warm,
our fingertips pressed together
in someone else's hammock.

"now the grass is overgrown
and the weeds are choking out the sun"

oh, i'll move on
we'll dance our different tunes
go to the beach on thanksgiving
i'll leave later on
to rhode island maybe
massachusetts maybe
you'll be weathering the rain
in washington state

floating down a red brick road
windows down to show off our smiles

yeah well.
someday we'll minimize the miles.

for now,
i listen to this song
and know it will change meanings
but the first one
belonged to you.

archive. profile. notes. random.