
03.18.08back& forth

1. you are familiar with me, i know your streets, curves, angles. my heart flips as i drive over the bridge to the beach, the skyline projected over the ocean. i know your sunny days at the beach, know your rainstorms, know the lights of south beach, every shopping mall in existance, my growing up here. palm trees and the fruit stand and bike trails and secret beaches.

2. i remember you cold, and wintery. where politics and politicians collide. gray days and the bitter chill, but that beautiful light of the sun. the campus is moving and bustling with catalog faces of every ethnicity. concrete jungle, small bars, walking around a small white city in the afternoon.

3. a place i've never been, sweet tea and mardi gras and the south and everything i've read about you in books.

archive. profile. notes. random.