rambles; variation on the word love

01.16.12back& forth

on change: i noticed i don't say i love you very much anymore. i reserve it, i think, to when i am hysterically laughing at something she said, gasping for air and doubling over and she's looking over at me smiling and rolling her eyes.

i have become close to people who don't say i love you. i feel as though when people tell me they love me, i can't figure out if they are trying to network with me or if it's just a flippant 'love ya, bye.'

anyways, today was nice and we sat in lawn chairs in the middle of a giant field, took of our clothes and pretended we were by the ocean. i laughed and i cried; later i pulsed and tucked to a bar method dvd when i got home, took a long bath, watched the good wife, and am falling into bed.

i used to tell everyone i loved that i loved them - my friends, writers, poets, new friends, most cherished family, our big dumb dog who i loved the most.

here's to loving more in 2012, finding less things to be jaded about and more things to be excited about. saying less and meaning more is just fine too.

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