on how i missed that timezone

04.15.13back& forth

a world away, back to the business of living well.
this moment in time:

reading - 8 percent of a gate at the stairs on the plane ride home
thinking about - running after work and my half in two weeks (!!!!) feeling so undertrained after being sick and zombie-fied and letting life get in the way
listening to - the AC on blast
loving - time zones feeling like time travel, getting big hugs from my mom this weekend
eating - the spiciest noodles and steamed veggies (cauliflower, snap peas, broccoli, water chestnuts) i've ever made (heavy on the srrach), seaweed snacks, and all the bitesized cupcakes at the wedding
drinking - pinot noir at the woodland retreat in the mountains, vodka with lemonade on a porch with my cousins
smoking - nothing for the weekend, two silvers outside on the patio when i got home. buzz.
thinking worriedly - that it's almost 12:30! alarm going off in 6 hours!
excited about - new outfit combinations thanks to the shopping i did this weekend - hooray! i am a walking j crew catalog plus sass
wondering - what he did this weekend & can't wait to catch up
happy about - spending so much quality time bonding with amy, planning a trip to chitown to visit her, having margaret tell me tales of the brewery that runs in the family and getting me the softest sweater with the family name on it
my dad in his blazer with gold monogrammed buttons, lil b all dressed up in his suit, my grandma just beside herself with joy. good weekend, long weekend, the champagne brunch this morning was much needed after the after party last night - so bagels and the best spinach feta quiche and bacon was the exclamation point on the weekend. great mimosas, great company, happy to be home in my bed.

archive. profile. notes. random.