on warm and fuzzies

06.18.13back& forth

an eight hour solo drive through the mountains, straight on til asheville.. car dancing, singing along, phonecalls, a four day weekend off from work - glorious.

a spectacular wedding at the pisgah inn, in the backseat of a car full of bridesmaid, sunglasses on, smiling, laughing, catching up with friends from those old north carolina days. friends i haven't seen in almost ten years! and catching up in a flash. dancing around the loft, hanging on the back porch, sitting under the strings of lights at a dive - oh man, life is good and warm and happy.

my heart is warm and full, fuzzy and joyful. a drive back with doctor daisy, listening to remixes and telling all the stories of our old loves, current loves, future loves, love loves, work loves, dream loves.

today a trip around the city with my best girlfriend in the passenger seat. yoga and sushi and errand-ing and settling back into the hustle and bustle.

i am so fucking happy. this weekend was exactly what i needed - a break, a clean break, a chance to see people that knew me then, watch two of my favorite people on the planet say 'i do.' i like like like love love love life.

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