on the happy hours - july, july

07.11.13back& forth

i'm in love with key west and sunshine and mojitos and crying my face off at my best friends wedding while dancing up a storm. "we're dancing at your wedding right now!!" lins so drunk she was petting all of us, dancing down duval street. the band at sloppy joe's, brunch at the westin, sunset cruises from sunset key. man this life is such a good one. finding the glass thing le boyfriend collects, and palm frond fans for the heat. lilly dresses and statement necklaces and all the gold jewels and dancing shoes.

cafe con leche and medianoches and croquetas. flying from miami to key west, the shortest flight of my life, oceanside. heaven. new friends. attorney shop talk at hog's breath while taking shots and playing rock paper scissors with new stranger friends.

this morning i am in dc, drinking a latte le boyfriend got at 7am and brought to my apartment before he left for the day while i slept in. yesterday we played bridge with all our friends, i went to bikram and then had a juicy medium rare burger for dinner.

other life happenings in this july, july dc hear: lawsuits, all the jokes about things not being "available," thai food & all the episodes of white collar with my bff & bf, Avoiding Depression, waking up early-ish, getting my sweat on for sanity and vanity.

hot town, summer in the city.


Of course, you never really forget anyone, but you certainly release them. You stop allowing their history to have any meaning for you today. You let them change their haircut, let them move, let them fall in love again. And when you see this person you have let go, you realize that there is no reason to be sad. The person you knew exists somewhere, but you are separated by too much time to reach them again.

� chelsea fagan

I saw this quote and thought i'd update this resting place. on july 9, bf did something no one else has ever done, four months to the day - a happy, glorious thing. i saw this quote and thought of people from the past, just receding into the horizon line.

later this month - coastal camping, a day hike, birthday brunches and happy hours.

archive. profile. notes. random.