On baths and backyards

05.20.15back& forth

A million years ago I wrote about a boy I loved.
It just fucking flies-- from 14 to 16 to 21 to 28 to this year and suddenly time has doubled.

We're young and in love...

Yesterday I prepped our lunches. We walked hand in hand, coffee for him, iced tea for me. Full summer in DC. We listened to old songs on the train, his head on my shoulder, sleepy.

Met up at the metro to commute home. Listened to PCHH, sharing headphones. He prepped dinner while I got ready to workout, we did our thing, lifting weights and high 5ing.

I took one of the bests baths in my life, all lavender and sore muscles and being quiet, then belting out old songs, don't fear the reaper, old guster songs i haven't listened to since college.

We cling, sometimes, to the faves from old photos and old friends and old loves and lives and sometimes, when we let the music
Pass through us, like a light rain, everything is Just Right.

Vortexing Parenthood, Veep, Silicon Valley. HBO is killing it right now. good wife is over for the summer.
Cooking a ton, God bless spring produce - tomatoes, avocados
Finally got Spotify, it's amazing - any song with no waiting or no ads
Started and finished my first ever audiobooks - some Robert Parker mysteries, the girl on the train, station eleven.

Started planning my trips, dining room chairs, and the rest of this year. Good for now. Lots of hotels with giant baths and pools.

Just remembered how Easy it is for me to
Be a summer girl. Here's to the season-- cheers.

archive. profile. notes. random.