
11.13.01back& forth

this is so beautiful i had to include it. it inspired me and made me feel so much better; this day has been shit and beyond. this is written by meghan, visit cause she rocks.

"if you're ever lying on a beach with 80 billion grains of sand beneath you, 700 thousand ocean waves before you, 60 million stars stretched out above you, and you're still not impressed, i want you to think about this: the light you see reflecting from the stars is over one million years old. wow.

but then, just before you start to feel like a mere blip in the gigantic scheme of things, please remember this: yes, you are small, but you are also irreplaceable and invaluable and miraculous.

those stars don't have anything on you."

walking open wounds, trophy display of bruises and i dont believe that i'm getting any better --dashbc
.....& i love listening to music. :)

archive. profile. notes. random.